The Tent Photographs of Abelardo Morell

July 4, 2013 — Leave a comment

The always curious photographer Albelardo Morell is known for making photographs using rooms as a Camera Obscura but he has taken the process one step further by inventing a Tent Camera which projects the landscape viewpoint existing outside the tent onto the ground inside the tent. He then photographs this projection merging ground and horizon image in a new kind of double exposure. His images are currently on view at the Stephen Daiter Gallery.

“I have worked with my assis­tant, C.J. Heyliger, on design­ing a light proof tent which can project views of the sur­round­ing land­scape, via periscope type optics, onto the sur­face of the ground inside the tent. Inside this space I pho­to­graph the sand­wich of these two out­door real­i­ties meet­ing on the ground. Depend­ing on the qual­ity of the sur­face, these views can take on a vari­ety of painterly effects. The added use of dig­i­tal tech­nol­ogy on my cam­era lets me record visual moments in a much shorter time frame– for instance I can now get clouds and peo­ple to show up in some of the photographs.”

via the artist’s web site


The Tent Photographs of Abelardo Morell

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