Exhibition: David Hammons Five Decades

March 30, 2016 — Leave a comment

A must see retrospective exhibition by a remarkable and mercurial artist. A rare chance to see some of his best work.

“I can’t stand art actually. I’ve never, ever liked art.” So the artist David Hammons told the art historian Kellie Jones in a 1986 interview. Then why do you make it? Ms. Jones asked. Because, Mr. Hammons offered, art is about symbols and “outrageously magical things happen when you mess around with a symbol.” (via New York Times article).

David Hammons: Five Decades” runs through May 27 at Mnuchin Gallery, 45 East 78th Street, Manhattan; 212-861-7858, www.mnuchingallery­.com


Via http://www.mnuchingallery.com

Exhibition: David Hammons Five Decades

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