Archives For web

Yes indeed Amazon Art Marketplace to sell art online again and once again changes the game in online art sales…

New York Times Article Here

Survey which found Online art buying soars as almost three-quarters of collectors go online here

Here is why:

A survey of more than 200 collectors by the international insurance company Hiscox, released in April, found that almost two-thirds had bought art online, without first seeing it in person, and that one-quarter of the collectors surveyed had spent $75,000 or more on works from online sellers or those they had seen only in JPEGs sent by galleries.

“We’ve seen that the price point people are willing to pay is rising,” said Catherine Levene, a co-founder and the chief executive of Artspace, which began selling art online in 2011. The company does not disclose overall sales figures but says that more than 200,000 people are now registered as members. Artworks pushing past the $100,000 mark have been showing up increasingly on the site, which charges a commission from galleries like 303 and Luhring Augustine in New York and Sadie Coles in London. Artspace has sold pieces like an engraved granite bench by Jenny Holzer for $125,000.

via The New York Times

Excellent overview at Spread Effect on Matt Cutts talk. If you have a web site and don’t know who Matt Cutts is, or what the heck SEO, or Link Building is, you better pay attention as when he speaks from his office at Google the entire web stops, looks and listens.

In case you have been living under a rock the web is all about sharing and crowd sourcing photography – but the web is awash in extreme low-level work of all kinds. The folks at Instagram competitor and the questionably named Hipstamatic are trying to carve out a network for elite photographers sharing their photos at the much better named; OGGL